Wardrobe MVP of the Winter: the CBS (Cozy Black Sweater)

Pre-pandemic, my top three expenses in order were: 1) Rent, 2) The Realreal, and 3) Dental work.  These days I’m still paying my rent, and continue to have ongoing expensive dental annoyances, but my wardrobe outlay has severely diminished.  Instead of haunting Century 21 looking for cute garments that gallivant from work to play, I’m ransacking my closet looking for cozy items that migrate from desk to couch.  And there has emerged an unlikely, but clear winner in this new clothing equation.

It’s a rather unprepossessing, slightly fuzzy, black wool crewneck Theory sweater.

Normally it’s relegated to the back of my sweater drawer – too fuzzy and bulky for a chic look at work and not fuzzy and bulky enough to be classified as an oversized winter cocoon. It’s more Maine than NYC, more comfort than snazz, more sturdy than stylish.

However, this winter, it has become the star of my socially distanced wardrobe. It travels seamlessly from bed (no judgements!) to Zoom to supermarket runs to evening couch/Netflixing to even the rare not-so-socially distanced social engagement. Far more eye friendly than my oversized fleece and almost as cozy, it pairs equally well with yoga pants, jeans or leggings, and is just roomy enough to hide my bralessness when I venture down to the lobby to pick up packages.

Though it is currently in desperate need of a thorough dry cleaning from the countless hours I’ve spent in it and meals I’ve spilled on it, I am loath to part with it for even the few days that operation would take.  

Maybe in the spring.

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