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Things It Sucks to be Needing Right Now

Together, we suffered through a disinfectant wipes shortage and the great rice crisis of spring 2020.  I know most of us will never want to relive the horror of heading down another barren supermarket aisle only to discover the squeeze-ably soft Charmin has gone extinct. Things seem to be looking up with regard to potty paper and poultry production, but now new, unexpected product shortages, brought on by lifestyle changes and supply chain snafus, are making things difficult for smaller groups of consumers. Here is a short list of unexpected items in short supply. Share what you’re having trouble finding right now, and let’s commiserate. Appliances.  Apparently, dishwashers are not built to be run three times a day, every day.  Or...

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7 Images That Don't Exactly Suck

Inspiration comes in many shapes and sizes. Beautiful images are one of our favorite types of inspiration.  Submitted for your review are seven photos that both make us feel good by reminding us all of the wonderful world we live in. We wanted to inject a little beauty and hope into this hellish excuse for a year.  Enjoy them and share images in and around your life that don't exactly suck. We'll share some with the Suck It Socket community on social media and beyond. 

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